Group of Companies

Group of Companies
Manufacturers of Flagpoles, Traffic and Roadway Lighting Products, Environmental/Meteorological Towers and Custom Poles
Designing & delivering traffic, lighting and flagpole products worldwide.
Ewing Flagpole Co. Inc.
Flagpoles, Banners & Specialty Poles
Ewing Traffic & Lighting Products
Light and Traffic Standards
Ewing International Corporation
Meteorological Tilt-Down Towers
About Us
The roots of the Ewing Group of Companies takes us back to 1845, when a man by the name of John Ewing opened his doors for business in a tiny shop, named the business John Ewing & Co., and offered his services in Black Smithing, Horse Shoeing, Wagon Wheel repairs and the like. In the early 1900’s the business, located on Dalhousie Street, was sold to Mr. George Armour Myles. Mr. Myles, with the help of his two sons, grew the business and added mobile welding services to their black smithing operation, (demand for horse shoeing and wagon wheel repairs was on the decline). With a fleet of 5-6 portable welding machines, John Ewing & Co. was busy installing, repairing and field welding Hand Rails, Emergency Fire Escapes, Flagpoles, Metal Fences, Steel Pilings, Structural Steel, Steel Bridges etc.

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If you require additional information on any of our products or services please provide your contact details and one of our associates will contact you.
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